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Fig.P Software Incorporated
Serving the specialized Data Management needs of Clinicians and Scientists since 1988

Fig.P Software designs and provides excellent data-driven solutions for clinicians and for scientific researchers that unlock and deliver the remarkable pragmatic benefits of daily "professionally smart" data integration, management and presentation.
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Clinforma® Clinical Data Systems

Clinical Data Management, Monitoring and Research Systems
Clinforma clinical data systems are highly effective, real-world solutions for the capture, management and analysis of clinical data generated during normal clinical care. Clinicians and/or patients can choose to work using either paper and pen (followed by automated data entry via fax-to-database) or gain additional advantages by using interactive screen-based Clinforma data interfaces, including fully web-based solutions.

Clinforma clinical data systems speed up routine clinical care while improving documentation. They are ideal for practice monitoring, clinical research and standardized single-centre and collaborative multicentre prospective longitudinal outcomes research.

Fig.P Software implements and deploys customized, end-to-end Clinforma solutions for each of its unique client applications from the standards, modules and templates of its validated core Clinical Data Pipeline® platform. More info: info (at)

Some of the Clinical Domains for which Clinforma data systems have recently been implemented

Diabetes Vascular disease Hypertension
Cancer screening Immunization/Vaccination Alzheimer's dementia
Hypercholesterolemia Venous thromboembolism COPD
Paget's disease of bone Emergency psychiatry Dermatology
Gastrointestinal bleeding Geriatric polypharmacy Bone health epidemiology
Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis

Some Clinical Programs, Trials and Studies, and Registries that have deployed Clinforma data systems.
Links are to representative peer-reviewed publications, incl. citations, abstracts, full texts or bibliographies.

Cardiovascular iDynaForm™ EMR-embeddable Evidence-aligned Clinical Management
Tool for care of patients with 1 or multiple vascular conditions

Recipient, 2017 Health Technologies Fund project support
  from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
P-PROMPT CDMS Chronic Disease, Screening & Prevention Management System
Finalist, 2009 Innovation Award in Health Information Management
  from the Ontario Health Minister
  More info & subscription details
P-PROMPT Patient and Provider Patient Reminders in Ontario:
Multi-strategy Prevention Tools

Winner, 2007 Innovation Award in Health Information Management
  from the Ontario Health Minister
HMI Hypertension Management Initiative
CanFASD Canadian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Study
DermNet-Acne Canadian Acne Epidemiological Study
DECIDE Detection of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
CAGE COPD Care Gap Evaluation Study
COMPETE 3 Computerization of Medical Practice
for the Enhancement of Therapeutic Effectiveness
CHAP Community Hypertension Awareness Program
Finalist, 2012 Research Paper of the Year BMJ Group Award
Other Awards for CHAP
C-CHAP Canadian Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program
CHAT Community Hypertension Assessment Trial
CAVEAT Care Variance Evaluation in Arthritis Treatment
HT-VTE Hormonal Therapy and Venous Thromboembolism Study
PsychOnt Emergency Psychiatry Medical Record System for Ontario
NER Paget New England Registry of Paget's Disease of Bone
CaMOS Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study
SMART Seniors' Medications Assessment Research Trial
RUGBE Registry of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Endoscopy
CURVE Canadian Audit of Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism
CALIPSO Canadian Lipid Study - Observational
CORRONA Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of North America, Inc.
CANOAR Canadian Osteoarthritis Rx Registry
CANDOO Canadian Database of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

For further information, please contact us at:

e-mail: info (at)

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