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Fig.P Software Incorporated
Serving the specialized Data Management needs of Clinicians and Scientists since 1988

Fig.P Software designs and provides excellent data-driven solutions for clinicians and for scientific researchers that unlock and deliver the remarkable pragmatic benefits of daily "professionally smart" data integration, management and presentation.
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Clinical Appointment Scheduling and Billing System
MedClearVue is an exceptionally efficient, effective and dependable solution for the management of patient appointment scheduling and billing in busy solo or group clinical practices.

MedClearVue is integrated with Ontario OHIP billing and optionally with a Clinforma system.

Fig.P Software has optimized and implemented functional specifications, user customizability options, and the uncommonly clear user interface that real-world clinical office staff have crafted exclusively for this product. More info: info (at)

For further information, please contact us at:

e-mail: info (at)

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